Yesterday marked the 36th anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s visit to the University of the Witwatersrand. On the 20th October 1975, during His only visit to South Africa, His Divine Grace delivered a talk at the prestigious Great Hall, Wits.
Today, the Bhakti Yoga Society at Wits University- a university-based preaching wing of the Intrernational Society for Krsna conciousness, has gained foothold and flourishes under Srila Prabhupada’s blessings.
A few days ago, at the University’s first-ever ‘Student Leadership Awards’, a grand function held at the same locale and presided over by the Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, various Deans of Faculties and the SRC, the Bhakti Yoga Society was awarded “The Dean’s Award for the Best Society 2011”.
Out of over fifty societies, including cultural, religious, sport and social, the Bhakti Yoga Society was rated and awarded as the best. Along with this, the Dean of Student Affairs, Ms Prem Coopoo presented us with a large silver trophy, certificates and an monetary award of R10000 in fixed assets for the society’s work at The University. We recognise this as the blessings of His Divine Grace, who himself begun the preaching of Krsna consciousness there 36 years ago.
We pray only to continue our work in fulfilling Srila Prabhupada’s cherished desire for educated, young boys and girls to be exposed to and trained in timeless Krsna consciousness, the knowledge which is the king of education, thus creating a dynamic generation of devotees.
We beg the assistance and blessings of everyone in this endeavour in strongly continuing Srila Prabhupada’s work, and if there is any success in this attempt, we humbly offer it unto His Divine Grace.
Your servant,
Isvara Puri dasa.
Project co-ordinator: Bhakti Yoga Society
Wits University, Johannesburg
PS. Please follow us on Facebook, “WITS Yoga Lounge”.