The time has come for us to do something for Sri Nitai
Something different than what we have done in days gone by
Sacrifice some time to spread His mission
To be part of this is your personal decision

We heading to Carlton centre this Saturday
Bring your family and friends to participate on this day
Tell a friend or more to come be part of this celebration
Share the mercy in Sri Nitai’s glorification

There’s something for everone to do
Chanters, dancers or if you are to shy too
Bring your instruments and become the instrument
Revel in sankirtan sentiment.

Don’t miss the 4th February at 10am – our offering to Lord Nityananda.

Venue: JHB  City Centre, Carlton Skyring, Main Street

There will be a 32 seater bus leaving the ISKCON Lenasia temple at 8am and going to Soweto before coming to Johannesburg for the Harinama. If you want to come with the bus please reserve your seat by emailing me at or sms 0835511550 with your name. Please note you must reserve your seat for the bus.

Your servant,

Nrsimhananda dasa