1         see trends in the world and use it to spread Krishna Consciousness.

2         Devotees are the most strategic change agents to deal with the problems society faces. Even many politicians are coming to the conclusion that spiritual revival is the only solution.

3         While there is no doubt that the moral decline in our society has produced a battlefield, it has also given us an incredible mission field.

4         Wherever Krsna guides, He provides.

5         Vision is often described as the ability to see the future. Vision is also the ability to accurately assess current changes and take advantage of them. Vision is being alert to opportunities.

6         The shoe must never tell the foot how big it can grow.

7         Quality produces quantity. If we take care of what we have,Krsna will send more.

8         Is there a way to preach in our culture without comprising our convictions? The solution is to follow Srila Prabhupada’s example of preaching to people.Prabhupada never lowered his standards , but he started where people were. He was contemporary without compromising the truth.

9         We must work smarter,not harder. You never waste time keeping your axe sharp. A sharp axe chops wood more easily than a blunt axe.

10     Krsna wants us to be faithful and fruitful.  Faithful is a willingness to take risks in order to be fruitful. Fruitful means we make others into devotees.

11     The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.

12     When the horse is dead …….dismount.

13     Nothing becomes dynamic until it becomes specific.

14     Fish where the fish are biting.

15     Speak to non devotees. Learn how to attract them.

16     If you spend petty cash on preaching ,you get petty cash results.

17     Love is more than a feeling. It is behaviour.

18     When talking to people  do we want to inform or do we want to transform?

19     ‘I love to preach’……   do you like people or do you like the attention you are getting by preaching to big audiences

20     Do we want to impress people or influence them.

21     Anyone can be won to Krsna if we discover the key to their heart

22     Transformed lives are our biggest advertisement

23     When we present Krishna Consciousness in an uninteresting way ,people just don’t think that the devotee is boring, they think that GOD is boring .

24     Teach profound truths in simple ways, not simple truths in profound ways. Keep things simple.

25     We must be life application teachers. We must show people ‘how to’ and not ‘ought to’

26     Our world is full of lonely people who are starving for the affirmation of a loving touch.

27     We don’t have to make the scriptures relevant   they already are. We just have to show its relevance.

28     People want good news. The world is full of bad news…so give them the good news of the scriptures.

29     Scratch where people itch.

30     Being efficient is not the same as being effective. Efficient means to do things right and being effective means doing the right things.

Be compassionate and don’t be quick to judge others. In other words dont   act holier than thou……            A priest walked to the bus station and came upon a man in a drunken stupor. The man was drunk out of his mind and his clothes were completely dishevelled. To make matters worse his body bore marks of amorous love. The priest was completely disgusted. The man approached the priest and asked him how one gets arthritis. The priest wasted no time and lambasted him,telling him that arthritis is the symptom of a promiscuous lifestyle. The drunk fell silent. Thinking about what he had said and how he lambasted the drunk, the priest tried a softer approach. “for how long are suffering with arthritis” he asked. “oh  i don’t have arthritis” the drunk replied  “ i just read in the newspaper that the pope has arthritis

Submitted by Nanda Kumar das