Is this a ghost story?  It could be if we consider how many of us are nitya-baddha wandering spirits searching for a permanently settled situation.  But now we have human […]
Krishna’s final and concluding instruction in the Gita is that we should give up all materially motivated religions and just surrender unto him. Since surrender could be considered a filled […]
It can sometimes be tough being an intellectual in Iskcon. The tendency to keep one foot in the empirical camp and the other in the devotional arena can cause incompatibilities […]
Unlike the ancien regime wherein the king represented the link between man and God and the clergy were secondary to the king, in a Vaishnava society, the invert is true. […]
“They [the masses] must have their illusions at all costs, they turn instinctively, as the insect seeks the light, to the rhetoricians who accord them what they want. No truth, […]
Many devotees are convinced that by buying shop milk and then offering that milk to Krishna with love and devotion, this will benefit the abused cows whose milk has merged […]
Just imagine the confusion, especially for our newcomers, well-wishers, younger devotees, and even for some senior devotees.  Everybody who “loves” Srila Prabhupada, and is “loyal” to him, must be a […]
During the world cup, the country was flavoured with good will, a willingness to serve and the spirit of ubuntu. Being fully aware of the country’s history, South African’s irrespective […]
Diary of a Traveling Monk – Volume 11, Chapter 7 – July 1 – 25, 2010 When I flew from the United States to Warsaw at the beginning of July, […]
Sometimes our fixation on who’s “junior” and who is “senior” within our ranks, can inhibit proper devotee relationships. And introducing corporate ideas for managing our devotees can hinder, rather than […]