Many of us have, at some point, come in contact with the following quote: “Watch your thoughts, for they become words, Watch your words, for they become actions, Watch your […]
1. There’s more to life than this: Sad to say, but like Buddhism, which came later, and many other traditions of spiritual wisdom, the Vedas are quite pessimistic about the prospect […]
Those who are spiritually advanced love to serve others. Bhakti-yoga, the path of devotional mysticism, in fact, is all about devotional “service.” This refers, chiefly, to serving Krishna, God (call […]
As we begin to celebrate the five-hundredth anniversary of the appearance of Sri Krishna Chaitanya (in March 1986), many people who have never heard the name Chaitanya (and perhaps even […]
If we look back into Vedic history we will probably find many incidents that contravene modern-day standards of human rights and discrimination. If say, a liberal human rights monitor group […]
We never cease to be amazed or shocked. Thinking that nothing really surprises us anymore, the shock-value of what could happen to us, intrudes impolitely into our sense of peace […]
[vodpod id=Video.5525386&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26] Recently, I was asked to explain the benefits of kirtan to the owner of a yoga school who was considering organizing a kirtan concert. My response was that […]
If crying is the preserve of advanced devotees steeped in devotional mellows, should it bother us to display a show of apparent weakness, by crying for Krishna? Shedding tears in […]
In my question which forms the title of this blog, I am using the word “religious” to  indicate a person who is only a “part time devotee”, or whose practice […]
Faculty Lecture at Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma, Nigeria, by Bhakti Vasudeva Swami — June 2010. First, I thank the Vice Chancellor of this university for giving us the opportunity to […]