Nama-Hatta preaching has been one of the most important parts of our line’s activities, from the time of Lord Nityananda, and it remains one of the most important activities to this day. Recently we were at Surabhi Kunja in Navadvipa Dhama on the Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama, and while there I was praying to Lord Nityananda, whose Nama-Hatta headquarters was there, and Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura who also made his Nama-Hatta headquarters there. I was praying that in South Africa the Nama-Hatta movement could expand and develop more and more. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura sings:

boro sukher khabor gai surabhi-kunjete namer hat khule’che (khoda nitai)

I am singing news of great holy tidings. Lord Nityananda Himself has opened a market-place of the holy name in Surabhi-kunja.

boro mojar kotha tay raddha-mulye ruddhe- nama sei hatete bikay

He is selling the pure holy name in that market-place for the price of only one’s faith.

jata bhakta-binda basi’adhikari dekhe’ nama becche daro kasi

Lord Nityananda, seeing all the devotees become attracted, is selling them the holy name after bargaining with them.

jadi nama kinbe, bhai amar sange calo, mahajaner kache jai

O brother, if you want the holy name then come with me. We must go to that great soul, Nityananda.

tumi kinbe krsna-nama dasturi loibo ami, prana ha’be kama

You will get the name of Krishna, I will take my commission and all of our desires will be fulfilled.

So gradually things are developing, and this is part of that. Please give your support and do your best to contribute to the development of Nama-Hatta in your areas.

Hoping this meets you well.

Your servant,

Bhakti Caitanya Swami