“If we don’t have complete faith in the congregational chanting of the Holy Name, if we have very little taste and attraction for chanting and dancing and thereby relatively disinterested or diverted to other engagements, leaving ourselves little of any time to seriously TAKE UP THE RELIGION OF THE AGE, if we didn’t recognize the beauty and value of hari-nama-sankirtana, and if we are not intent upon practically helping to push foreward the most sublime dharma emphatically prescribed by Lord Caitanya, then we should simply understand that we are cursed by Yamaraja, that we have not realized the purpose of the Krishna Counsciousness Movement, and that we have not truly comprehended the highest mercy aspects of the Lord’s ongoing audarya-lila si to elevate fallen conditioned souls to the topmost perfection of relishing eternal spontaneous loving madhurya service to Radha and Krishna on the platform of Vraja Prema. There is no doubt about this. Golokera prema-dhana, hari-nama-sankirtana.”  (His Grace Aindra Prabhu)
I only have 2.5 weeks to raise the funds required, get the sponsored books and pack all the prasadam packets because I will be leaving for Mauritius to faciliate the BCEC Namamrta Program there on the 13th April, then return to South Africa for the Durban Ratha yatra and then goto Cape Town to conduct the Namamrta Program there till the 3th May.
So in the next two weeks I need sponsors to help cover our Maha Harinama budget to make it happen, at least sponsor R25.00 to SAVE 1 SOUL!Our Budget:
–  4000 Prasadam packets = R5 500.00  [RAISED R 0] –  2000 Books = R20 000.00     [RAISED R 0] –  Flyers =  R1000.00     [SPONSORED R1000.00] – Hamanskrall Travel Cost – R2000.00     [RAISED R 0]

Total: R 28,500.00

All financial contributions can be deposited into the following bank account:

Bank:        Nedbank
Branch:        Trade Route Mall
Branch Code:        194037
Account Name:        Iskcon Projects
Account Number:        1940 077 370
REFERENCE:     SHN2 – Your name  and What You Sponsoring
[Please email proof of payment to save1soul@gmail.com]

Your servant,
Nrsimhananda dasa