It is with great pleasure that ISKCON Pretoria presents the “Festival of Chariots” .

ISKCON Pretoria will be hosting the most exalted delegation from the spiritual world in the first annual “Festival of Chariots” in Pretoria, to be hosted at the Union Buildings lower gardens, beginning with the parade starting at the coner of Church and Prinsloo street.

So kindly join in the festive celebration in glorifying their Lordships Jagannath, Baladev and Subhadra as the bestow the kind mercy upon all the souls present in Pretoria on the day.

Date: 17 September 2011
Time: 9am – 5pm
Venue: Union Buildings lower gardens, 1pm.
Parade: Cnr Church & Prinsloo street, 9am

Looking forward to seeing you there !
Kindly be punctual, so that you benefit from every moment of bliss.

Jagannath Baladev Subhadra ki Jai !

Your servant
Batu Gopala Dasa
Pretoria Rath Yatra 2011
ISKCON Pretoria

Tel: 012 342 6216
Cell: 072 325 6710
Fax: 086 721 9216
