vrindavanvani pate jaya soma soma

maule sanandana sanatana naradeya

gopishvara vraja vilasi yuganghri padme

prema prayaccha nirupadhi namo namas te


“O Shiva, O gatekeeper of Vrindavan! O you who are accompanied by Uma! O you who carry the moon in your hair! O lord worshiped by Sananda-kumar, Sanat-Kumar and Narada Muni! O Gopishwara, the worshipable deity of the gopis! Desiring that you bestow upon me love for the divine couple, Sri Sri Radha Madhava,  who perform joyous pastimes in Vraja, I offer my obeisances unto you again and again.”


[ Srila Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakaura, Sankalapa Kalpadruma, Text 103 ]


Lord Siva is the greatest Vaisnava (vaisnavanam yatha sambhuh), and he relishes chanting the holy name. He tells Parvati, rama rameti rameti rame rame manorame sahasra-namabhis tulyam rama-nama varanane: “I am reciting, ‘Rama,’ ‘Rama,’ ‘Rama.’ I delight in the name of Rama, which attracts my mind. O woman with a lovely face, Rama’s name is equal to the thousand names of Visnu.” (Padma Purana)

“I daily worship Gopisvara Mahadeva, who is situated on the bank of Yamuna. That very Gopisvara was worshipped with deep devotion by the gopis, and he quickly fulfilled their desire to attain a supremely precious jewel in the form of the embrace of the son of Nanda Maharaja .”

Srila Ragunatha das Goswami in his Vraja-vilasa-stava