We’ve been having an absolutely wonderful time with Caitanya Cintamani. On Friday we learned so many simple and effective ways of improving our singing. On Saturday the ladies enjoyed a full afternoon of baking interesting recipes ..including cookies and cakes for ekadasi! And Sunday…well what can I say..it was an action packed day with unlimited bliss: a preaching program in the morning where Caitanya Cintamani endeared the audience with her amazing voice and devotion of the best devotee, Lord Shiva. Then after the Lenasia Sunday Program we all got on to the bus to attend the Sunday Program in Soweto..and what an amazing program that was! The entire temple was going wild to the ecstatic kirtan lead by Caitanya Cintamani and then by HH Maha Visnu Swami J
Well the nectar doesn’t stop there! Look out for Caitanya Citamani at upcoming programs and most especially at Ratha Yatra this weekend. Here are some recordings and images from some of the ecstatic events to date.

1 Nrsingadev prayers

2 Pranam n Maha mantra

3 Prabhupada Tune

4 Maha Mantra

5 Jaya Radha Madhava

6 Maha Mantra