Recently, I was given the opportunity to co-ordinate the 12-hour Kirtan programme, since Mother Candrika and her family (who have previously co-ordinated this) have left for Gita Nagari. I feel that we can use this programme as a means to, firstly, unite and strengthen our devotee community, by performing Kirtan together, and secondly, attract new people to the Holy Names of the Lord.

So, Sita Carana Mataji, Yavat Prabhu, Shikar, and I have decided to restart this as the “Kirtaniyah Sada Hari” programme.This programme will be run on the second Sunday of every month, from 8 am to 2 pm (just before the start of the Sunday Love Feast programme). It will commence on the 11th of July, 2010. The timing for the programme will change in the summer months, during which the Sunday Love Feast will begin at 3 pm.

Every Namahatta and youth group will be given a slot in which to conduct Kirtan for the pleasure of Their Lordships, Sri Sri Nitai Gaura Hari. If you are interested in getting involved in this programme, kindly inform me about your preferred time slot. This is an attempt not only to involve existing devotees, attracting them back to the temple, but also to attract new people to the temple in the same way that Namahattas and youth groups do. In this way, devotees and newcomers will be inspired to get involved in this programme.

It should be the one day in the month where we all come togetherand have Kirtan, for the pleasure of Gaura Nitai. I look forward to hearing from you.

Aspiring to be the servant of the servant,
Manjari Bhava devi dasi (O. B. O. the Kirtaniyah Sada Hari Team)