Recently, thoughts of humility have been playing on my mind more than usual. Great prayers stress that one should be more humble than a blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree, and ready to offer all respects to others while desiring none for oneself. In fact, the injunction is so crucial that one saint has advised the spiritualist to string it around his neck and wear it constantly. It seems that a humble disposition is the key to opening up the treasure house of spiritual experience. It brings freedom and joy, and helps us to live life the way it should be lived. Being humble is actually incredibly liberating.

Freedom from Expectation– a humble person is not disturbed by letdowns and misfortunes. Seeing themselves as an instrument in the divine plan, they work conscientiously and determinedly, but remain internally dependent on the divine will, careful to avoid placing personal expectations and demands on how life’s events and interactions should transpire.

Freedom from Pretentiousness– a humble person is happy to be himself. There is no false pretense, no image they want to project, nor any pressure to be a certain type of person. They recognize that whatever they have been given in terms of character and ability is endowed by the divine, and they happily utilize that for the divine. They have no desire to be the best, but are more concerned with trying their best.

Freedom from Blame– a humble person takes responsibility for whatever happens in their life. In all situations, the humble person is ready to learn, change and grow, carefully avoiding the temptation to play the blame game. They are fully aware that if they point one finger at someone else, there are another two fingers pointing back at them.

Freedom from Isolation– a humble person can see divine involvement in every situation, and thus feel supported and protected. In times of success and prosperity they develop feelings of gratitude and appreciation for the divine kindness. In times of struggle and upheaval, one is grateful for the lessons, and recognizes the value of ‘tough love’.

Trying to become a beggar, praying for some humility, we hope to one day experience the freedom that comes from joyful insignificance.