Nandaraj Singh writes that ISKCON Youth represented by the Krishna Balarama Youth group (KBYG) participated in a Bhajan Mela organised by the Johannesburg Yuvak Mandal (JYM) where various Hindu groups rendered Bhajans. It was a fun experience singing with all the groups. When our turn came Abishek started with the invocation and Krsna Das  took us straight into the holy name which was electrifying.

The maha mantra was so powerful as everyone sang together. Each group then performed a garba whilst the other groups danced. We had Balarāma  leading us in the maha mantra for the Garba and everyone danced and sang to the sweet melody. We all danced and sang together, and it was the first time most of us actually danced for Garba, well us boys.

Thank you JYM for giving us the opportunity of being part of this amazing Mela and sharing the holy name with you all and thanks to all of you from KBYG who sacrificed your Sunday morning to join us.

A small snippet from the Mela…enjoy