“Upon the shoulders of you the leaders of this Movement falls the responsibility of saving this earth planet from the present dangerous position. So the work is in  your hands
Inspired by this quote from ISKCON Founder A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada the youth of ISKCON in South Africa spearheaded by the Krsna Balaram Youth Group in Johannesburg have taken it upon themselves to practically make a difference and have launched the 10 book challenge.  It’s like the Ice Bucket challenge, minus the ice and the bucket, and for a way better cause.
Rajiv Rampal and Gaurachandra Ramkussan who pioneered this campaign explain that it’s not a question of whether you can distribute books, but more the question of do you want to. “If you want to, you will. We are making an appeal to each of you to please commit to distribute at least 10 books. Just 10 books, just 10 minutes of your lives to speak to 10 people. You can sell the books or give them away as gifts, as long it goes out, Srila Prabhupada will be pleased. So say you in, take 10 books, distribute them,  challenge a friend to take 10 and so it continues.”
book challenge[4][3]
The 10 book challenge has quickly spread, and not just amongst the youth. ISKCON members in over  13 towns and cities across South Africa are now taking part, and the campaign is only in day two and will run for all of December, coinciding with Srila Prabhupada’s December Book Marathon. Using social media devotees of all ages have really become inspired to take up book distribution and share their experiences.
The Book Challenge - Geographically [3][2]
ISKCON South Africa Youth leader Nandaraj Singh, “ We want to challenge the youth all over the ISKCON world to take up this challenge. We have no experience in book distribution and if we can do it, anyone can.”