By the causeless mercy of Srila Prabhupada: the last 4 community libraries in the City of Tshwane have recently received Srila Prabhupada’s books. These 4 libraries are (1) Valhalla, (2) Eldoraigne, (3) Rooihuiskraal and (4) Olievenhoutbosch libraries. Attached are photos from the days of the delivery of these books.

With these 4 sets delivered ALL of the 41 libraries in the City of Tshwane have received Srila Prabhupada’s books through this Sastra Dana library Initiative. This has indeed been possible by the causeless mercy of Srila Prabhupada and the enthusiastic participation of the wonderful devotees who came forward and sponsored books and all those devotees who supported and encouraged the initiative in so many ways.

Also attached is the list of the community libraries per suburb and the type of set delivered to these libraries. Our humble request to the devotees is to please encourage new and interested persons to access and read these books in the community libraries. If you meet a person interested in the philosophy, and you dont have a book to give to them, then please direct them to a library near to where they live, in this way they will access Srila Prabhupada’s books and also the library records will show usage of the books and the books will remain in the libraries.

If you have any suggestions please do contact us on

Thank you. Hare Krishna

Your humble servants

the ISKCON Pretoria

Sastra Dana Team.