HARE KRISHNA!!! and welcome to the HARE KRISHNA HOUR, your weekly Krishna Conscious Radio Show brought to you every Sunday mornings between 8am & 9am exclusively on 93.6. LENZ FM.

For the past weeks the airwaves have been graced by the auspicious sounds of Hare Krishna Hour. The good news is that for those outside of the broadcast radius of Lenasia and Soweto can now can listen to the weekly broadcasts right here or download to listen offline at your convenience.

Hare Krishna Hour 21082011

We have included some pictures of some of the broadcast team in action and you can read a summary of this weeks show below by compiled by Atreya Rishi das.

HARE KRISHNA!!! and welcome to the HARE KRISHNA HOUR, your weekly Krishna Conscious Radio Show brought to you every Sunday mornings between 8am & 9am exclusively on 93.6. LENZ FM.

For the past weeks the airwaves have been graced by the auspicious sounds of Hare Krishna Hour. The good news is that for those outside of the Lenasia area that are outside of the broadcast radius can now can listen to the weekly broadcasts right here or download to listen offline at your convenience.

Hare Krishna Hour 21082011

We have included some pictures of some of the broadcast team in action and you can read a summary of this weeks show below by compiled by Atreya Rishi das.

Another amazing show this week with our special guest HG Jaganath Charan das a disciple of HH Bhakti Caitanya Swami Maharaj, who spoke to listeners about his introduction to Krishna consciousness. Prabhu explained that he and his family were pioneer students at the Bhaktivedenta College of Education and Culture some 18/19 yrs ago. Prabhu spoke about the power of association with pure devotees and thanked HG Nrsimhananda dasa for his coming to Krishna Consciousness. He also spoke of his and mother Devahuti’s services at the Sri Sri Nitai Gaura Hari Mandir. Prabhuji ended with a final message advising listeners to Chant Hare Krishna and to join us for Krishna Astami celebrations. It was an Honour and Privilege to have interviewed HG Jaganath Charan das as our special guest.

Our Special KRISHNA ASTAMI COMPETITION was a great success. We take this opportunity to thank Viresh prabhu of Viresh Soni Jewellers who generously sponsored our magnificent  GRAND PRIZE a 24ct Gold KRISHNA PENDANT valued at R4480-00 which was won by young Bavik Makkan on Krishna Astami day at the Sri Sri Nitai Gaura Hari Mandir in the main tent.

Don’t forget to CALL The HARE KRISHNA HOUR on 011 852 5554 on Sunday mornings Between 8 & 9am, say the Maha Mantra and win. Each week 1 lucky caller wins a hard cover copy of the Bhagavad Gita As It Is.

Our  Bhagavad Gita Class By HG Ishvara Puri das is very inspirational and is the perfect start to every show. Also on the Hare Krishna hour, the series on the life and times of HDG AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, based on the biography of His Divine Grace by HH Satsvarupa das Goswami. hosted by Dinesh Prabhu is very captivating and leaves listeners wanting to hear more. Next week part 8.

Our weekly Krishna Story from Krishna book read by Pooja Morar is the perfect ending to our show.This week our story was about The Appearance of Lord Krishna.

So tune in next Sunday..or.. Listen NOW to this weeks show on Podcast at  www.iskcongauteng.com

click on media and follow the link to blissful Krishna Conscious Radio available 24 hrs a day.

Our special Guest next week Sri Govinda das.