HARE KRISHNA!!! and welcome to the HARE KRISHNA HOUR, your weekly Krishna Conscious Radio Show brought to you every Sunday mornings between 8am & 9am

Hare Krishna Hour 18 12 2011

I’m Atreya Rishi das and I’ll be your host for the next hour. On our show today….

Another amazing show this week with an introduction which explained the life of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the origins of the ISKCON Movement by His Divine Grace AC  Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

On this weeks show also, a class by HH Partha Sarathi Das Goswami Maharajwho speaks on the three levels of devotees.

Pastimes by HH Sruta Kirti Das explains the potency of reading Srila Prabhupada’s books.                                                                                    Our special weekly feature by HH Radhanath Swami this week answered the question “Does God have a gender?”                                                      Our New music feature was a rendition of “Sri Guru Charana Padma” by HH Chandramukha Swami.

Not forgetting our gripping Krishna Story from Krishna book read by Pooja Morar is now a popular feature on our show. This week’s story was about Sri Krishna defeating the Kaliya serpent.

So tune in next Sunday or listen to the Podcast on www.iskcongauteng.co.za

Krishna Conscious Radio 

Kind Regards

Your servant in Srila Prabhupada’s service

Atreya Rishi das