Today is a most important day. It is the appearance day of Srila Narottam das Thakur, a great acarya in our disciplic succession.

sri krsna namamrta varsi vaktra

candra prabha dhvasta tamo bharaya

gaurangadeva nucaraya tasmai

namo namah srila narottamaya


“I offer respectful obeisances to Srila Narottama das Thakura, a sincere follower of Lord Gaurangadeva. Emitting a shower of the nectar of the holy name, with its splendor, the moon of His mouth destroys the darkness of ignorance.”


sankirtanan andaja manda hasya

danta dyuti dyotita dinmukhaya

svedasru dhara snapitaya tasmai

namo namah srila narottamaya


“I offer my respectful obeisances to Srila Narottama das Thakura. Blissful by singing Krsna’s glories, he would become bathed in streams of perspiration and the splendor of his teeth and gentle smile would illuminate all directions.”


mrdanga nama sruti matra cancat

padambuja dvandva manoharaya

sadyah samudyat pulakaya tasmai

namo namah srila narottamaya


“I offer my respectful obeisances to Srila Narottama das Thakura. Hearing the mrdangas and the sound of the holy name, he would dance, moving his enchanting lotus feet and the hairs of his body erect in ecstasy.”


gandharva garva ksapana svalasya

vismapitasesa krti vrajaya

sva srsta gana prathitaya tasmai

namo namah srila narottamaya


“I offer respectful obeisances to Srila Narottama das Thakura. His dancing dispelled the Gandharvas’ pride. His devotional activities filled everyone with wonder. His songs made him famous.”


ananda murcchavani pata bhata

dhuli bharalankrta igrahaya

yaddarsanam bhagya bharena tasmai

namo namah srila narottamaya


“I offer respectful obeisances to Srila Narottama das Thakura. He would sometimes faint in ecstasy and fall to the ground, his body decorated with dust. The very fortunate would see him in that way.”


sthale sthale yasya krpa prabhabhih

krsnanya trsna jana samhatinam

nirmulita eva bhavanti tasmai

namo namah srila narottamaya


“I offer respectful obeisances to Srila Narottama das Thakura. In place after place the splendor of his mercy uprooted the people’s thirst for anything other than Krsna.”


yad bhakti nisthopala rekhikeva

sparsah punah sparsamaniva yasya

pramanyam evam srutivad yadiyam

tasmai namah srila narottamaya


“I offer respectful obeisances to Srila Narottama das Thakura. His firm faith in devotional service to Krsna is like a necklace of precious stones. His touch is like a sparsamani jewel. His words are like the four Vedas.”


murtaiva bhaktih kim ayam kim esa

vairagya-saras tanuman nr-loke

sambhavyate yah krtibhih sadaiva

tasmai namah srila narottamaya


“I offer respectful obeisances to Srila Narottama das Thakura. The devotees always wonder: Is he devotional service personified? Is he the essence of renunciation who has descended to the world of human beings in this form?”


rajan mrdanga karatala kalabhiramam

gauranga gana madhu pana bharabhiramam

sriman narottama padambuja manju nrtyam

bhrtyam krtarthayatu mam phalitesta krtyam


“May the dancing of Sri Narottama’s lotus feet, which is graceful with the melodious sounds of karatalas and mrdangas, and which is sweet with the honey of Lord Gauranga, fulfill the spiritual desires of me, his servant.”


[ Srila Visvanath Cakravati Thakura, Srila Narottama-astaka ]