I worship Lord Nityananda, the limitless root of the tree of devotional service. As He walks with the grace of a majestic elephant, His pure, splendid beauty shines like the full autumn moon. Though He Himself is the Absolute Truth, He is maddened with pure love for Lord Hari. He smiles as He rolls His eyes in apparent intoxication, He carries a stick in His hand [in the mood of a cowherd boy] and He breaks the power of the Age of Kali.

I worship Lord Nityananda, the limitless root of the tree of devotional service. He is the abode of the mellows of devotional service, and no one can be compared to Him. He is the be-all and end-all for His devotees, and the husband of Vasudha and Jahnava, to whom He is more dear than life itself. Because He is always maddened with pure love for Krsna, the foolish nondevotees cannot understand that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself.

I worship Lord Nityananda, the limitless root of the tree of devotional service. He is very dear to the son of Saci-devi and is worshiped by the entire universe. Out of His great mercy He chants the holy name of Lord Hari, thus rescuing the souls drowning in the age of Kali and crushing the pride of the ocean of repeated birth and death.

I worship Lord Nityananda, the limitless root of the tree of devotional service. He said to Lord Caitanya, “O brother, the people are all becoming infected by the sins of Kali-yuga. How will they atone for these sins? Please give them a way to easily approach You.”

I worship Lord Nityananda, the limitless root of the tree of devotional service. He went to each house in Bengal and, raising His arms, said, ” O brother, if you will, please constantly chant athe holy name of Lord Hari. If you do this, you will become free from the ocean of repeated a death. Please give Me this gift of your liberation.”

I worship Lord Nityananda, the limitless root of the tree of devotional service. He is the Agastya Muni who forcibly swallows the ocean of repated death. He is a rising full moon (friend of the night-blooming lotus) who expands the ocean of the saintly devotees’ good fortune. He is the blazing sun who extinguishes the darkness of the community of demons.

I worship Lord Nityananda, the limitless root of the tree of devotional service. He traveled on every path, dancing, singing the names of Lord Hari, and describing His glories. Without considering His own interests, He was merciful to the people, and He cast upon them His merciful sidelong glance.

I worship Lord Nityananda, the limitless root of the tree of devotional service. He fondly grasped His brother Lord Caitanya’s soft and beautiful lotus hand, and together they wandered here and there, delighting the townspeople with Their sweet beauty. They both became filled with bliss when They gazed upon each other’s lotus faces.

These eight verses glorifying Lord Nityananda are the abode of the mellows of devotional service, and they are the wealth of the pure devotees expert at relishing those mellows. All the fallen, conditioned souls can get liberation just by remembering them. These verses are very excellent, transcendental, and unprecedented. May the two lotus feet of Lord Nityänanda appear eternally in the hearts of those who read these verses and remember the Lord.