Beautiful Game, Beautiful Festival – Kesava Krsna dasa

The national flags are flying full mast and those of other nations too.  Mounted on cars, […]

There but Not There – Kesava Krsna Dasa

We should also be mindful that if we are accustomed to doing everything routinely and formally, it must reflect the way we chant our japa. Perhaps we are chanting japa and treating the Supreme Person – Sri Hari Nama Prabhu – as just a formal routine objective. The fact is, much more can be done for our mission when there is cohesion of interest. Friends are more likely to achieve more as a team for the benefit of a community.

A few words by Vrsabhanu das – GADB chairperson

Srila Prabhupada has on several occasions mentioned that association is 90% in spiritual life. This is not only true for sadhakas (practicing devotees) but also for siddhas (perfected beings) who associate with other siddhas that share a similar mood of service. Becauseassociation is so important, Prabhupada has kindly and mercifully provided this ISKCON institution to facilitate the association of devotees. What is association?

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