[vodpod id=Video.5525386&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26] Recently, I was asked to explain the benefits of kirtan to the owner of a yoga school who was considering organizing a kirtan concert. My response was that […]
If crying is the preserve of advanced devotees steeped in devotional mellows, should it bother us to display a show of apparent weakness, by crying for Krishna? Shedding tears in […]
From where do the jivas come before descending into this multi-dimensional world of imitation gods? Who is Srila Prabhupada? What is his svarupa? These highly intriguing questions are induced by […]
In my question which forms the title of this blog, I am using the word “religious” to indicate a person who is only a “part time devotee”, or whose practice […]
Faculty Lecture at Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma, Nigeria, by Bhakti Vasudeva Swami — June 2010. First, I thank the Vice Chancellor of this university for giving us the opportunity to […]
Is this a ghost story? It could be if we consider how many of us are nitya-baddha wandering spirits searching for a permanently settled situation. But now we have human […]
Krishna’s final and concluding instruction in the Gita is that we should give up all materially motivated religions and just surrender unto him. Since surrender could be considered a filled […]
It can sometimes be tough being an intellectual in Iskcon. The tendency to keep one foot in the empirical camp and the other in the devotional arena can cause incompatibilities […]
Unlike the ancien regime wherein the king represented the link between man and God and the clergy were secondary to the king, in a Vaishnava society, the invert is true. […]
“They [the masses] must have their illusions at all costs, they turn instinctively, as the insect seeks the light, to the rhetoricians who accord them what they want. No truth, […]