If a devotee were to ask, “Please bless me so that I’ll never take birth again in this horrible material world,” would this be asking for some kind of liberation? […]
[vodpod id=Video.15443071&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26] There are numerous meditation techniques. Amongst these, mantra meditation is particularly prominent amongst practitioners of devotional yoga or bhakti-yoga. The Sanskrit wordman means mind, while tra means to free. Mantra meditation frees your mind of fear and […]
Sri Sukadeva Goswami said, “Money does not stay in one place. It passes from one hand to another. Ultimately no one can enjoy money, and it remains the property of […]
In this article, I invite you to ponder a controversial question: Is technology helpful or hurtful? The verdict depends on our consciousness. The ancient spiritual texts of India tell us that a […]
The process of bhakti yoga, or Krishna consciousness, is entirely based on the power of prayer and remembrance of Krishna. As students of consciousness and the Vedic literature, such as […]
If the love one offers is met with hate, it doesn’t die, rather it manifests in the form of compassion. That is universal love. It is not just a sentiment. […]
Those who are spiritually advanced love to serve others. Bhakti-yoga, the path of devotional mysticism, in fact, is all about devotional “service.” This refers, chiefly, to serving Krishna, God (call […]
As we begin to celebrate the five-hundredth anniversary of the appearance of Sri Krishna Chaitanya (in March 1986), many people who have never heard the name Chaitanya (and perhaps even […]
If we look back into Vedic history we will probably find many incidents that contravene modern-day standards of human rights and discrimination. If say, a liberal human rights monitor group […]
We never cease to be amazed or shocked. Thinking that nothing really surprises us anymore, the shock-value of what could happen to us, intrudes impolitely into our sense of peace […]