Sweet are Your lips, sweet is Your face, sweet are Your eyes, sweet is Your smile, sweet is Your heart, sweet is Your gait, O Lord of Mathura, everything about […]
“The primeval Lord saw that the stately trees, with their beautiful reddish buds and their heavy burden of fruits and flowers, were bending down to touch His feet with the […]
The opening salvo of the preface for The Nectar of Instruction begins thus: “The Krsna consciousness movement is conducted under the supervision of Srila Rupa Goswami.” What does it mean […]
Manah-sikshaTeachings to the Mind (from Prarthana) (1) nitai-pada-kamala, koti-candra-susitala je chayay jagata juray heno nitai bine bhai, radha-krishna paite nai dridha kori’ dharo nitair pay (2) se sambandha nahi ja’r, […]
In celebration of the Appearance Anniversary of Sri Advaita Acarya. “Because He is nondifferent from Hari, the Supreme Lord, He is called Advaita, and because He propagates the cult of […]
The day after Diwali is referred to as Annakuta, or Govardhana Puja. On this day the inhabitants of Vrindavan (Lord Krishna’s abode on Earth) would hold a harvest festival in […]
SB 9.10.33: When Lord Rāmacandra returned to His capital, Ayodhyā, He was greeted on the road by the princely order, who showered His body with beautiful, fragrant flowers, while great personalities like Lord Brahmā and […]
We welcome you to this most auspicious place, the temple of Sri Sri Radha-Radhanatha, on the most auspicious occasion of the beginning of Kartika, in the most auspicious association of […]
The Padma Purana describes the month of Kartik (11 Oct – 10 Nov in 2011) as Krishna’s favourite month. Devotional activities performed during this holy month are rewarded with greater […]
Knowledge about Srimati Radharani, Her relationship with Krishna, Her relationships with Her sakhis and gopi manjaris is expanded throughout the confidential literatures of Gaudiya Vaisnavism. In recent years these books […]