The KB Mela team are proud and super excited to announce that his holiness Kadamba Kanana Swami will be joining us this at KB Mela 2011! Maharaj has taken the time out […]
Srila Prabhupada arrived in US to spread the Holy Name,now let us try and continue the work of our Saviour. Yes! Its the World Holy Name Week.. Its our time […]
It is with great pleasure that ISKCON Pretoria presents the “Festival of Chariots” . ISKCON Pretoria will be hosting the most exalted delegation from the spiritual world in the first annual “Festival […]
Date:      8-11 December Venue:   Alpine Heat Resort, Drakensburg Artists: Mayapuris (Visvambhar, Vrinda, Bali, Dania, Krishna Kishor) Vrindavan 24 hour Kirtan ( Akincana Krishna Das, Keshav Das, Amala Purana) […]
The WITS Bhakti Yoga Society is honoured to announce the inauguration of our annual 3-day “Spring Yoga Festival” by His Holiness Bhakti Caitanya Swami Maharaja with his lunch-hour talk, “The […]
Hare Krishna Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada Less than 50 hours to go to the devotee convention (16/04 ,Wits University, East Campus, Great Hall). A big […]
“If we don’t have complete faith in the congregational chanting of the Holy Name, if we have very little taste and attraction for chanting and dancing and thereby relatively disinterested […]
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