Hare Krishna, Take the holy names to a new place Thus please His Divine Grace It is the 2nd maha harinam in Midrand To distribute the mercy come lend a […]
Monthly Japa Immersion Day setting six hours aside for only chanting Hare Krishna an intensified opportunity for Presence joined together with others we gain collective supportive strength yet each person […]
Recently, thoughts of humility have been playing on my mind more than usual. Great prayers stress that one should be more humble than a blade of grass, more tolerant than […]
Many of us have, at some point, come in contact with the following quote: “Watch your thoughts, for they become words, Watch your words, for they become actions, Watch your […]
HARE KRISHNA!!! and welcome to the HARE KRISHNA HOUR, your weekly Krishna Conscious Radio Show brought to you every Sunday mornings between 8am & 9am Hare Krishna Hour 05 02 2012 Another great show […]
Manah-sikshaTeachings to the Mind (from Prarthana) (1) nitai-pada-kamala, koti-candra-susitala je chayay jagata juray heno nitai bine bhai, radha-krishna paite nai dridha kori’ dharo nitair pay (2) se sambandha nahi ja’r, […]
The time has come for us to do something for Sri Nitai Something different than what we have done in days gone by Sacrifice some time to spread His mission […]
Understanding ISKCON through the lens of social development and history A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada established ISCKON when it consisted of one rented storefront in New York City. He wrote purposes […]