Teachings of Queen Kunti Queen Kunti was not only a sophisticated woman from a royal background, but a gentle, thoughtful, and, most importantly, spiritually realized soul which should be evident […]
by Devamrita Swami Mirror, mirror on the wall, tell me how I’m special, among them all. Innocent, guilty, or somewhere between? Privately, introspective spiritual persons often interrogate themselves about their […]
By Giriraj Swami On the occasion of the first anniversary of Yamuna-devi’s departure—and the immersion of her ashes in the Yamuna and the dedication of her samadhi in Vrindavan—I thought […]
by Satsvarupa dasa Goswami Srila Prabhupada is the one we have to turn to at the end of life. Some of his followers have done that: they’ve gone all the way, […]
By Sacinandana Swami   After my last walk in India, in December of last year (2012), I went to an Ayurvedic hospital to prepare my body for the many opportunities […]
Sweet are Your lips, sweet is Your face, sweet are Your eyes, sweet is Your smile, sweet is Your heart, sweet is Your gait, O Lord of Mathura, everything about […]
“The primeval Lord saw that the stately trees, with their beautiful reddish buds and their heavy burden of fruits and flowers, were bending down to touch His feet with the […]
The opening salvo of the preface for The Nectar of Instruction begins thus: “The Krsna consciousness movement is conducted under the supervision of Srila Rupa Goswami.” What does it mean […]
The Krsna Balarama Youth Group (KBYG) has pleasure to invite you to our 5th Annual Festival of Chariots – Chant for Change which takes place on the 26th August 2012 […]