Orange Farm is a largely informal settlement about a 20 minute drive from Lenasia. This past Saturday Adaramrita Matajee and team headed out there for the 5th namahatta gathering held in the settlement where a kindly gentleman allows us the use of his home.

Starting of with a harinaam, Wiseman Prabhu leads the devotees out in to the street. Singing down just one lane soon finds all the kids out on the street and adults peering out from their yards. Clearly not used to this kind of chanting, there are several curious looks and tentative smiles.

A group of young men enthusiastically calls out the name of the Lord trying to keep up with the mantra. The harinaam ends back at the house, everyone settles down in the yard while Meshack Prabhu gives a class on the basics of Krishna consciousness. The crowd of children, young men, ladies and old women all listen attentively and at the end asks questions. It is amazing how no matter where you are people have the same desires and difficulties in this world. Meshack Prabhu along with Sello Prabhu gives practical answers to the questions. It was very interesting when the challenges of Life after Death questions came up, which was so intelligently, answered by Meshack and Sello prabhus. The program ends with a feast while a few books are given out.

Thus far our preaching or out-reach to these types of areas have been solely Food For Life programs however here at the Orange Farm Namahatta the focus is specifically the cultivation of spiritual knowledge. We see how our own lives have been changed so drastically for the better by such knowledge and are hopefully that we can inspire some positive cultivation in these humble settings.

From what can be seen there is large scope and the team is hopeful for success! We urge devotees to come forward to participate in this unique experience. Particularly we ask for preachers, especially those who can preach in the African languages, to come forward to assist in this endeavour. To keep the spark ignited Adaramrita Matajee and team will be going out every second Saturday to the same location. The program will remain the same as it is all over ISKCON: kirtan, class and prasadam.

A very big thank you to the following devotees who made the Orange Farm Nama Hatta successful on Saturday: Mother Vishaka , Mother Sitala Dasi, Bhakta Daniel Prabhu,Bhakta Meshack Prabhu, Bhakta Sello Prabhu and Bhakta Wiseman Prabhu.

Our next gathering at the temple will be on 26 June 2010 at 11.30 am. Our aim is also to start a small vegetable garden , where the fruits will be offered to the Lord at the temple as the Orange Farm offerings. Please note that transport is available from the temple to the nama hatta venue.

For more information please contact Adaramrita Matajee on: 076-114-0965 or