There was once a mother quail who made her nest near the waters edge of a beautiful lake. This lake was frequented by various herds but more especially by a herd of elephants. The quail and the various herds had a mutual understanding and they co existed very peacefully. In due course of time the nest was full of baby quails.


One day a rogue elephant suddenly appeared and shattered the peaceful life of the various inhabitants. He did not follow the trail to the waters edge but crashed through the undergrowth making his own path. This alarmed the mother quail as the rogue elephant almost trampled the nestful of baby quails. She humbly appealed to the elephant to take another path but to no avail. The next day trhe rogue elephant again crashed through the undergrowth and in so doing trampled the nest and killed the baby quails.


The distraught quail was helpless but she wanted to avenge the death of her chicks. She befriended a woodpecker, an army of ants and a frog. As winter was fast approaching the water in the lake began to dry up and the quail put her plan into action. The woodpecker attacked the elephant and poked out its eyes, leaving an empty cavity. The ants made their nest there and the burning sensation pained the elephant to no end. To relieve the pain the elephant needed water. The croaking of the frog attracted his attention and it was music to his ears. The presence of the frog meant that there was water nearby and he began to follow the croaking frog. The frog led him up the steep and very high  mountain slope  and in so doing led him to the edge of the mountain and he plummeted to his death.


This story illustrates the power of co-operation. On our own we are helpless but if we take shelter of others then we can achieve the impossible.


If we are all rowing in the same direction and in time with the others, there wont be any opportunity to rock the boat.