On the 21st of August 2011 the youth of ISKCON represented by the dynamic Krishna Balarama Youth Group made a wonderful presentation on Krishna Consciousness at the Rosebank Rooftop market – a favoured spot frequented by locals and tourists alike renowned for its crafts and other boutique items.

This week those in attendance had the good fortune of hearing the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra sung beautifully by Abishek Singh and the kirtan team who explained to the eager listeners how the Supreme Lord has many names but is one in identity so irrespective of what name we may call out in prayer most important is that we call out with love and devotion the Divine names of the Supreme Lord.

Onlookers were able to witness an inspiring presentation of hatha yoga and various asanas and mudras by Caerish Bhim and a Kathak dance by Anandini Padayachee.

Krishna consciousness leaves not just your heart and soul satisfied but also gives us wonderful prasadam (sanctified food) to further enhance our spiritual development. Guest were treated to one of ISKCON’s finest with Mrinalini Mataji having prepared many sumptuous preparations.

Our transcendental literature is a constant feature of all our programs and the visitors to the market had the opportunity to hear from sincere devotees like Yavat Prabhu, Gaurachandra and Rajiv  and purchase Srila Prabhupada’s books.

All in all a great time was had by all and we hope that for many newcomers this will be the first of many positive interactions with the International Society of Krishna Consciousness.